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Explore Sponsorship

Explore Sponsorship

Learn more about what community sponsorship is, which countries are developing, implementing and exploring community sponsorship, and how you can take part.
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From sponsored refugee to refugee sponsor Angham Yunes, Ireland Community Sponsorship A Growing Global Movement Community Sponsorship in the UK

Are you an individual interested getting involved in sponsorship? Click on this map for key contacts in your country/region.

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Design a Program

Design a Program

Guidance and resources to help public servants, civil society organizations, and community members research and design community-based refugee sponsorship programs in their countries.
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Grow a Program

Grow a Program

Support for organizations and community leaders in countries developing refugee sponsorship programs.
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Home > Design a Program > Overview of Tools

Overview of Tools

The GRSI’s tools are informed by global experiences and designed to be flexible to fit local or national contexts. Our tools include reflective activities and questions, while avoiding prescriptive solutions.  

The GRSI works to make as many materials as possible available in multiple languages. Our materials are often made available in German, Spanish, Portuguese, and French as well as English.   

The GRSI Guidebook 

The GRSI Guidebook provides guidance to help government officials, civil society organizations and community members understand the detailed policy and operational building blocks of community sponsorship programs and assist them in designing programs adapted to their own contexts. The Guidebook draws on community sponsorship learnings from Canada, New Zealand, and Italy as well as many more.

Visit the GRSI Guidebook here.

The GRSI Policy Design Workbook 

The GRSI Policy Design Workbook is a step-by-step guide for policymakers and community leaders on how to establish a community sponsorship program. Developed with inputs from government authorities and civil society organizations from around the world, the Workbook is a tool that can be used during policy design workshops, or as a supplement to such workshops.  

Visit the GRSI Policy Design Workbook:

Printable version

Fillable version

The GRSI Monitoring & Evaluation Toolkit

The GRSI Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Toolkit supports governments and civil society organizations in building monitoring and evaluation mechanisms into community sponsorship programs. A slide deck leads evaluators through the process while an accompanying workbook with exercises allows for actors to reflect on their own programs.

Visit the GRSI M&E Toolkit:


Workbook Printable version

Workbook Fillable version

“Foundations of Community Sponsorship” Training Tools & Resources

Principles of Refugee Sponsorship (1)

The GRSI developed a set of training materials for organizations supporting sponsorship groups and refugee newcomers. The “Foundations of Community Sponsorship” training tools are comprised of online learning resources and in-person training materials.  

Visit the training platform here:

What do you want to do?
Explore Sponsorship

Explore Sponsorship

Learn more about what community sponsorship is, which countries are developing, implementing and exploring community sponsorship, and how you can take part.
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Featured Resources
From sponsored refugee to refugee sponsor Angham Yunes, Ireland Community Sponsorship A Growing Global Movement Community Sponsorship in the UK

Are you an individual interested getting involved in sponsorship? Click on this map for key contacts in your country/region.

Click to view larger interactive map.
Design a Program

Design a Program

Guidance and resources to help public servants, civil society organizations, and community members research and design community-based refugee sponsorship programs in their countries.
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Featured Resources
Grow a Program

Grow a Program

Support for organizations and community leaders in countries developing refugee sponsorship programs.
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*Users are required to register/sign-in to access these resources.
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